The First Cat Show

This is about the first official cat show held in 1871 and its organiser, Harrison Weir. All the facts are now collected, but it proved much more complicated than I at first thought, with seven different dates for the show itself being quoted in different places. In the process of research, I have tracked down all those dates, together with many books, websites, and reports. The article is now available online, and as a printed monograph. It has 49 A4 pages with 42 illustrations, some of which have not been published before.

If Harrison Weir had not had the idea, and the will to see it come to fruition, then the Cat Fancy as we know it today could be very different. Maybe somebody else would have been able to do what he did, but it would still have produced a different result! So my monograph starts with a perspective of Harrison Weir and his contribution to the future.

Quote from a buyer -
"Congratulations in every respect on what is actually a very important document to the cat history obsessed, and may many people go out and buy it - LMB"

It is planned to be published as a Kindle book, but at the moment can be bought via our own website for later delivery as below.

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there are two versions available to order - spiral bound printed, or as a download from a temporary file.

The printed monograph costs £12 (about €13, $19) including postage in Europe. For the rest of the world, the cost is £15 (about €17, $24) including postage.

The online version costs £10 (about €11, $16).

To order either version, please email (or write to Vormark Bygade 46, Vormark, DK-5874 Hesselager, quoting Monograph - The First Cat Show) and give your full name, address, and preferred method of payment, if different from below. We will include an invoice.

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