Christmas in Denmark
In all the Scandinavian countries, Christmas is a time for
celebration. Denmark is no exception, and we start on the
first of December. Personally, we started a little earlier
with our annual visit to the Town Hall square where Father
Christmas and the Mayor get lifted up on the
fire-engine's ladder to light the tree's lights. That
is on the last Friday in November, and when those lights come
on, so do the street light-decorations.
(Myrtle is just visible below - lower right)
This year it started to rain before we left home, but
settled down to a drizzle while we were waiting for the
lights. By the time we had walked through the streets (all
pedestrian only in the city centre) it had settled in to
steady rain, so we found that on our way back to the car, our
showerproof clothes were definitely only that !
By the way, in the last 102 years, there have been only 6
'White Christmases' and the last was in 1995, the
second Christmas we have had here !
On the first of December, Christmas really starts with some
very traditional activities. Of these, we are particularly
keen on three. The first is the Christmas Calendar in the
home, the second are the Christmas lights, and the third is
the Christmas Calendar on television.
Every home has a Christmas Calendar hung up somewhere - ours
is in the entrance hall where the cats can't reach it !
It consists of 24 pockets and we place a little decoration in
each one every day. That is very basic, and in Danish
households (especially with children of any age !) the
opposite is done. Every pocket starts with a little gift to
be taken out every day. Variations such as a box of 24
chocolates, or a lottery card with 24 possibilities are also
popular, although more commercial.
Lights are a very strong feature of Danish tradition, so
there will always be a second Calendar on the table; this is
a tall candle marked off in the 24 days, so is lit every day
until one section is consumed. Candles are very much a part
of the way of life, so there will be many candles in a home,
particularly ones that are lit at family mealtimes. Any house
with a garden, or just a front 'path' will have a
tree with electric lights from the 1st. Our one is a holly
tree in the garden,
although we tend to start our decorations around the 13th of
December as we go on to Twelth Night (the 6th January) as in
the English tradition. In England our family always used to
put up our house tree and decorations on Christmas Eve, but
we nowadays usually do that 10 days or so beforehand.
By the way, we have to explain that Christmas proper starts
on Julaften (24th December) when all families get together
for the feast. Juledag (25th December) is a more minor part
of the festivities, and Andenjuledag (26th December) is the
last of the holiday.
On television there will be at least two series. Usually a
late afternoon one for the children, and an evening one for
everybody. There used to be four programmes every night when
we first moved here, but presumably commercial considerations
caused a reduction. At any rate, they normally feature
'Nisse', and that is the next story.
In Danish mythology and even modern day folklore, there are
many, many stories about the Nisse. The word translates as
pixy or goblin, and in all the stories, they share many of
the same characteristics.
In our Danish dictionary, this is how they are
"a little man with grey clothes and a red cap who lives
on farms and teases the farmer. Also appears in stories and
traditions at Christmas time".
As you can see from the picture, even though they tease the
farmers, they like cats !
The best farmers like them as they can be helpful if treated
kindly; putting out bowls of risengrød (a gruel of
rice and milk) for them at night. As they like warm, hidden,
places to live, that is often in the lofts of the houses and
barns. For many years television has put on Nisse stories at
Christmas. Early evening ones are of course for the younger
children, and very often are about the more recent role of
the Nisse as 'Santa's little helpers'. (Here,
Father Christmas is called Julemand.) The evening ones range
from the surreal to the old-fashioned ! Until we learnt some
Danish, the surreal ones were beyond us, but our taste has
gradually adapted to them now that we have some understanding
of them, although we usually have the subtext switched on so
dialects don't confuse us.
In recent years we have seen in the evening series (24 of
course) three main types of stories.
The first has as its theme Julemand's toy factory with
the Nisse helpers.
The second follows the adventures of the children in a
family when they try to contact Julemand, and get involved
with Nisse.
The third, and our favourite, is about the Nisse who live in
the cellar of the State Library. That is itself in the lower
floors of Copenhagens Town Hall. The head Nisse is an
academic, who over his centuries has researched many
subjects, so tries to be helpful to the head librarian by
leaving him secret messages as to where to find information
in the old books. Of course, the younger Nisse get everything
into a mess ! To really research a subject, they get izzy
whizzed into the right chapter of a book, and talk to the
characters there from both fact and fiction. To us, both
educational and enjoyable.
Cat sitting at 335
In July 2003 Gerd and Wasse had the chance to go to
Switzerland at very short notice. So they asked me if I could
look after their cats for the week they would be away. These
are a few pictures to remember the occasion!
The first evening, the rose bed was starting to look
Turning around to walk back to let myself in, I saw this
pathetic sight! Not the new flower bed, but poor little Mons
waiting for Mum.
For anyone who didn't know, it looks as if Mons is
permanently shut out. Of course, that was just to make me
feel sorry for her, as she has a perfectly good cat door!
This is the view from indoors. I opened the door for her (of
course!) and said, "What did your last servant die
of?" Once in, she allowed me to stroke her and get the
supper ready.
Ming was already waiting inside. He now has a regular
helping of yeast tablets every day, and once he was convinced
that I knew where they were kept, he was wide awake and ready
for them.
While Ming was having his treat, Mons was getting down to
the serious business of supper,
but Ming prefers the tinned food - at least, while I was
Having served up the supper, I checked the outside water
bowl, and then had a look for the elusive 'kittens'.
Before that week, they had never been visible, but hearing a
crash, I had another look around.
Here is the Havana girl, Ting. She must be beginning to
appreciate having me come around, as she let me get close
enough to get this picture. The crash, by the way, came from
her having tried to climb up an old pallet by the side of the
garage, and bringing the whole lot down!

Just around the corner was Ping, the Siamese boy, who was
keeping stum.
The final check was to make sure that they had water and
food in the cellar (where their cat door is). Phew! The smell
quickly guided me to a dead bird, and Ting greatly
disapproved of me removing it to the dustbin!(I left the
feathers for them!)

Ting came out to see me off - I think that she had
decided that I could not be all bad, as although I had
stolen the bird, I had left them all full dishes.